Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 4: Minneapolis to Medora, North Dakota

Hi Folks;
Catching up on our posts today from Billings, Montana. North Dakota was a little sketchy with internet/phone service plus we are usually dead tired at the end of the day---more so now that we've picked up team member 4 in Minneapolis. Gary has the energy of the Everready bunny.

we left Minneapolis for our 600 mile day, starting with our team t-shirt picture. North Dakota could also be called Big Sky country because you get a 360 view across the flat plains. A nice surprise: fields and fields of sunflowers, stretching out in golden blankets. We had some great stopovers along the way:
- Jamestown ND with the largest buffalo statue of the world and a real life albino bison in the field (or was it a cow they stuck horns on?--it was far away)

- Salem, ND--not to be outdone by Jamestown, they've erected the largest cow in the world--38 ft high Salem Sue on one of the few hills in ND.

_ iron sculpture of flying geese along the Enchanted Highway--luckily just off the highway or I would have voted nO detour!

What you love about America:
- It's a BIG country and so beautiful. Best sunsets ever. You would think the ride would be boring but you feel like you're absorbing it all, America seeping into your veins, the familiar and the new. (OK some states are a tad boring)

-people really are friendly. I had trouble with a gas fillup (Hey i am a lady from NJ!) and the clerk not only explained how to lift the lever, but walked out and did it for me. People are always talking to you in hotel elevators and we are an interesting curiosity for them. you can tell it goes in their trip highlights--"I talked to a woman from NJ today--can you believe it?!"

Good day--despite our 2nd Arby's meal (see what's wrong with America) and booked into the Bunkhouse Inn with dinner at Little Mo's. Teddy Roosevelt National Park awaits us tomorrow.
Quote of the Day:
TR 1883: "Aren't we having a bully good time?"
Gary K 2010: "Guys, this is great. Isn't it great?"

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